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Friday, April 24, 2015

Aurasma Part 2: Bulletin Board

Alrighty... so in my last post I showed you how awesome the Aurasma app is, and so today I want to show you how you can use it to create your own Augmented Reality Bulletin Board.

If you remember, the task I gave the 5th graders at Harrison Hill (and you if you were playing along at home) was:
  • Draw a picture of something having to do with the Civil War. It could be a general, a battle, or any person who was a significant figure during the Civil War. 
  • Record a short video of yourself talking about your picture and the significance it holds to the Civil War. 

In the video below, I walk you through the steps of taking that picture and video and putting them together to create one AMAZING "Aura" where your picture comes to life! It really is a pretty simple process, and I think you'll catch on quickly. In the video, I also show you how to create a simple login that you can share with your class so that all of your work can be shared under the same "Channel". This will make viewing of your students' projects much easier for people when they see your beautiful bulletin board displayed.

So now all you have to do is put up your students' work and let others enjoy! It is also a good idea to post instructions on how to view your bulletin board for those who may not be familiar with Aurasma. Here is an example of what that might look like:

Thanks again for checking out 54tech. Please subscribe if you haven't done so already and leave me any comments or questions that you might have. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Nice work Matt. I hadn't dug into that app yet, but can see the power and engagement. Just so I am clear, is it anything in your Camera Roll can be attached or are there other options as well?

  2. Derek, thanks for your question... Anything on your Camera Roll (pictures or videos) can be attached. You can also use the Camera app embedded in Aurasma to take a pic or video in 'real time'. There is a also an entire Library of 3D objects that you can access in the Aurasma app.
