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Thursday, May 14, 2015

InstaShare a Keynote

Recently I had a teacher ask me what the best way would be to have her students share Keynote presentations they have created. After doing a little research, I figured out that using InstaShare would be the best option for the environment we are in. If you are not familiar with InstaShare, here is the icon for it:
Image result for Instashare

We have made it available in our student App Portals so everyone should be able to download it. In the video below, I'll walk you through the steps to take a Keynote presentation and easily share it with another device. The reason teachers want to be able to do this in our district is because the iPads that students use are shared devices and therefore don't always have their email setup on them. This is a way for them to send their Keynotes to the teacher so she will then be able to email it to a parent or even herself to print it off.

I hope you find the video helpful and as always, please let me know if you have any questions. Have a great day!

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