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Thursday, June 4, 2015

Summer Shout-Outs!!!

Today I'm going to tell you about THREE of my favorite blogs/resources to follow in the world of #EdTech. I'd encourage you to give them a follow and check them out this summer. You'll be shocked at how much you can learn and apply for the 2015-16 school year. So... here are my top 3 in no particular order:

#1: Free Technology For Teachers
website: www.freetech4teachers.com/
Author: Richard Byrne
Why: This blog is awesome. Richard always has quick and practical tips for teachers of all grade and ability levels. He updates it pretty much every day. This week he is hosting some guest bloggers which has been especially cool to get some different perspectives. Byrne is also a Google Certified Teacher and maintains these other blogs you should check out:
iPadApps4School.comAndroid4Schools.com, andPracticalEdTech.com.

#2: Tammy's Technology Tips for Teachers
website: www.tammyworcester.com/
Author: Tammy Worchester Tang
Why: Tammy's website is full of ideas and resources that are especially great for elementary teachers. She has taught at every grade level from Kindergarten through Middle School. I think my favorite section on her website is her Tip of the Week. There are a TON of great (and simple) things for you to try out that I guarantee you'll love. Her section on "Google Stuff" is also excellent.

#3: MBG
website: www.mattbgomez.com/
Author: Matt B. Gomez
Why: Gomez is a Kindergarten teacher from Texas and a lover of all things technology and creativity. What I love about his website is the way he embraces technology even as a teacher of K-students. I get approached by K-teachers all the time asking me for ideas of how they can use iPads with their students. Almost every time, I direct them to this website and tell them to check out some of the cool things Matt has done with his kiddos.

I hope you'll take the time to start following these blogs/websites. I know you'll find them very helpful.

Don't forget to subscribe to my blog if you haven't already and leave a comment if you have any other blogs that are your favorites.

Thanks and hope you have a wonderful day! :)


  1. Check out http://www.primarytechteaching.com/ I learned about a lot of great apps from Mitch Mosbey.

  2. Awesome site! Thanks for sharing... Did you have fun at iPadpalooza??
